


Software Developer


I'm a full-stack developer. I'm passionate about problem-solving and helping people by building user-friendly software.
I have developed from scratch and launched multiple projects.
Colleagues describe me as a progressive, experienced, and detail-oriented technical expert who can be relied on to offer superior solutions that consistently deliver positive results.
When I’m not coding, I’m either training with my Border Collie puppy or hiking and climbing in the Rockies.

My resume


  • Node
  • React
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SASS
  • Javascript
  • Figma
  • Bootstrap
  • SQL
  • Terminal
  • Git
  • npm libraries
  • Responsive Design
  • Accessibility
  • VS Code
  • Pair programming
  • C#
  • Postgre
  • Azure
  • MongoDB

Currently learning

  • Next
  • Python


Plant Parent

Node.js / SASS / MongoDB

Plant Parent is an app for plant lowers that helps to discover new plants and manage owned plants.
The app includes features such as authentication, authorization, CSRF protection, POST action protection, route protection, password encryption, MongoDB storage, sending emails via SendGrid, and online payments handled via Stripe.
Future features include a user’s forum and a plant-trading platform.

Work Order App

React.js / CSS

Responsive app created for a job interview challenge. App's purpose is to render and filter work orders fetched from an API.

Movie Nominations

React.js/ SASS / OMDb REST API

Movie nomination website that allows to search and nominate movie titles. The application uses OMDb API. Users can nominate five movies. After nomination, the movie shows up on the nominations list. At the same time, nomination confirmation appears on the screen. Users can remove nominated movies if they want to nominate a different one instead. API returns 10 results on every page. If there are more than 10 results, the user can view the next pages by clicking the pagination buttons.

Easy Fix

ASP.NET Core MVC / CSS / PostgreSQL / Azure

Easy Fix is an ASP.NET Core MVC project created during a ComIT course. It is a web application that allows users easily troubleshoot and repair their home appliances. Users can leave comments on their troubleshooting and repair. Admin functionality allows adding new fault codes and troubleshooting steps to the database.

Emerald Valley

HTML / CSS / Bootstrap

Accessible & responsive, bootstrap single-page project. Emerald Valley is a glamping booking site.



A client single-page PSD conversion. Design is accessible & responsive across devices.


Get In Touch

I'd love to connect with you! Let's have a chat. Send me a message here to book some time with me. You can also find me on LinkedIn.